The following photos and videos can only be used online on the Cashmere House LAMM social media and website.
To use the files for commercial purposes in print or traditional media, please fill in the dedicated forms.
LAMM guarantees that for each publication it will include the following credits:
- On the personal website and on Facebook: Photo Filippo Giani / / Model: Katie Terpsma
- On Instagram please insert the following credits: @ibexmedia @filippogiani_public @katieterpsma
ATTENTION: to ensure excellent visual quality, we would greatly appreciate if you would use the given size.
For example, if you create Posts with photos and videos together, please use both in 4:5. Thank you very much!Shots can be used for 14 months from 15.10.2022 for the first Set and 14 months from 25.11.2022 for the winter Set.
For use after this date please contact ibexmedia to receive an offer for extended use.